It was a very luxurious bubble bath and she’s covered in bubbles, so you don’t see anything, but if you are a teen age boy, you might imagine much. Only caveats: In the first episode there is one scene where Hye Ri nearly drowns herself falling asleep in the bathtub, and Lawyer In Soo pulls her up out of the water just enough for her to breathe. There are some dark moments, a revenge plot that is neither as blood thirsty nor quite as improbable as these things usually are, a brief love triangle that was actually not really annoying, lots of pretty clothes, cute, and fun, as well as some loving family stuff. There are even some nice points made about love vs crushes, the importance of true repentance, forgiveness, and keeping promises. They lawyer clearly has ulterior motoves, but Hye Ri is too naive to notice. Woo In soo, a mysterious lawyer shows up and befriends her, and he often seems to arrive at the most coincidentally fortuitous moments. It’s really, very, very cute, charming, and feel-good. It just sounded boring to me, but it’s not. Gradually, she learns to be a better prosecutor and to care about the people she works with. She doesn’t much care about her job, because she’s more interested in the latest limited edition pair of 7,000 dollar shoes and such. Ma Hye Ri is a spoiled rich girl fashionista who becomes a prosecutor mainly because she can’t think of anything else to do with her time (she is super smart, but not interested in using her brains), and because her dad expects her to. It just sounded like not at all my cup of tea.

I put off watching it forever, even though it kept coming up in my queues as a show I’d probably like.

It’s 16 nicely paced episodes that never bored me. Both thumbs up for this chick-flick fest of cute.